What is EDI?

EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), are norms created by committees under the United Nations in the beginning of the 1980’s that help with the exchange of date between companies and corporations that possess IT platforms with arc.
These norms came into light because of developments made for certain standards such as data formats and data communication infrastructure protocols. These standards are constantly updated because of organizations like ODETTE that make announcements on developments.
Successful developments in the access of information, analyzing the information and relaying it to different business units, and to the advancement of the Age of Information are all believed to be influenced in part by EDI. The biggest success comes from the companies’ ability to gather data from various business interlocutors. The accuracy of the data, the ability for the data to be converted into valuable information and to be able to do this in fast and cost-efficient methods increases competitive advantage.
EDIallows for data to be shared in a secure, fast and cost-efficient way.
EDI’s ability to process data accurately,reduce business miscommunication and convert data into information in a faster time to increase competitive advantage, provides benefits to any business’s efficiency. For this reason, it is a searched method when determining quality scores.
Our company provides EDI services to the Turkish automotive industry since 1997. 90% of the main industries in Turkey along with all major industries and su- industriesinternationally require EDI usage for all suppliers they receive items from and from all sub industries that they exchange data with (orders, loading, invoice details). Our company is a leader in this market with the services it provides using solutions with international roots.
Benefits of EDI
- Informatics Environment Freeness
- Decrease of information entrance time
- Shortening the production, storage time
- Decreasing the conflicts
- Decreasing the administrative and logistic costs
- Not having any time limit( 7/24 )
- Decreasing Errors
- Information reaching international standards
- Reformation of Commercial Relations
- Decreasing of Stocks
- Secure Environment
- Increase of Efficiency and Finance power
- Positive Effect on Quality